Any construction is impossible without cement. Thus, you should know how to properly breed cement so that the building lasts you for a long time.
Cement construction solution is a plastic substance of the astringent mixture with the aggregate. Water should be added to it, and after a certain amount of time the solution will become solid, similar to a stone. Cement is often used for various construction work. The solution in construction can be either simple or mixed. The limestone and cement mixtures are simple, mixed-cement-knowing and others. The solution consists of a variety of astringent materials. The main astringent materials are: clay, lime, gypsum, cement. The aggregates are small stones, sawdust, slag, sand.
For proper breeding cement for repair and construction work, a solution of a solution or a punch with a mixer nozzle is used. And can also be diluted using an ordinary shovel.
With brickwork and plastering walls, the cement with sand is mixed in a ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 3. First you need to measure the sand and pour it with a slide. Then put a measured portion of cement on top, thoroughly mix until a homogeneous dry mixture is obtained. Next, you should gradually add water. The result should be a mass suitable for work.
You can also use another mixing method. To start diluting cement in water, mix the solution, and gradually fall asleep sand. The available tools themselves will tell you the method convenient in your case.
In order to fill the floor or foundation, crushed stone is added to the solution. But the necessary proportions of cement, sand and crushed stone are 1: 2: 3. These proportions can be changed, it all depends on the task. Crushed stone makes concrete monolith more durable.
And when adding an additional clay sand, the solution will be more elastic. However, this concrete is not suitable for a large area, it will become loose. And for the repair of sections of walls and floors with the size of the palm, you should add more cement.
A common component for all types of solution is water. Water proportions are determined depending on where it will be applied from the processed material. Suppose to process the shell -maker, a large amount of water is needed. The main and important rule is that water should be added to the already mixed dry mixture. And if the water is introduced into the still unexplored mixture, it will be impossible to achieve homogeneity.
To date, new elements for cement mortar appear on the building materials market that give elasticity and strength.