A 40 mm wooden block is one of the most common types of lumber, which is widely used in modern suburban construction and furniture production. In its production, different wooden breeds are used, but the most common are the following: pine, cedar, spruce, fir and larch. They are ideal for the production of this lumber. Most often, 40×40 bar is used in the construction of arbors, baths, playgrounds, as a lag in the installation of flooring in houses and other wooden buildings, in furniture, as floors, etc. That is, the scope of its use is very wide and is due to excellent technical characteristics that this material has.
For the production of a 40×40 mm bar, a pine is most often used, which has a minimum number of knots and an even trunk. Thanks to this, the production of the bar is facilitated and simplified. The spruce bar is also in demand, which has good heat -insulating properties. Since spruce wood has a loose structure, it preserves the heat of the room better. If you live in the region with heavy precipitation and severe frosts, then you should buy a 40×40 bar of larch. The fact is that larch wood is resistant to negative effects of the environment, such as UV radiation, rains, frost, humidity, etc.
The shape of the bar can be rectangular or square. In order to give the bar one or another form, it is drank from all sides. The wide side is called a flat, a long side – an edge, and the end – by the end. The bar is great for the construction of a veranda or gazebo, a number of other wooden buildings. They have an attractive and aesthetic appearance, and are also useful in the household. Do not forget that the block 40×40 is an environmentally friendly material.