If at the same time it is necessary to transfer raw materials, then this does not have a significant significance, since such a transfer can be made at any time of the year, and with a narrow gauge railway, this is cheaper than transportation on such combustible material and finished products. The quality of burned brick production products is in full and direct dependence on the proper processing of clay itself and on its homogeneity. The homogeneous is called clay when the components of both skinny and fatty are so mixed with each other that they are already one whole, evenly impregnated with moisture, softening all soluble hardening in it. To achieve this homogeneity, special machines are most often used, the design of which is located depending on the moisture content in clay, on the large, or less difficulties that are found when processing it and on the desired daily productivity. Already during the very mining of clay, it is possible to mix various varieties in its desirable ratio, if you correctly distribute workers at the place of clay mining. Gloring clay is best done in autumn and winter, t. e. After suspension of work in those brick industries that are adapted only to work in the summer period. After the openings, ordinary digging of clay is made, and after that, it is subjected to atmospheric effects for the whole winter. The more the clay is loosened, the stronger it is exposed to precipitation and frost, and the better it persists in winter. Freezing of clay in winter is an excellent tool for preparing the latter for further processing. As you know, the volume of ice is greater than the volume of water from which it was formed. With freezing clay, water particles increase in volume and the relationship between the particles of clay is broken.