Many years have passed since the first heating stove appeared. After that, she underwent a lot of changes in the appearance and in the design, but still remains one of the most effective ways to heat the room or completely the whole house. Thanks to their positive qualities, both the owners of small houses and the owners of large cottages have hunted it with hunting. Before building a stove, you need to decide on a specific place of its location in the house, on which mixture to put the furnace and with its purpose. In addition, it should be compact (one of the requirements of modern stoves) and harmoniously fit into the interior of the rooms. How to make a stove?
Heating Russian stoves consist of two main elements:
Smoke circuit.
In addition, the stove is divided into subcutaneous (where the foundation is included, ash or blocked, channits, waterproofing), and supra -pound, it is located above the fuel (convective system, air and hob, hood channel, chimney).
We will analyze in more detail the device and the purpose of each of the elements:
1 Fuel is a camera for burning solid fuel, the main requirements for it are thermal resistance, spaciousness and the presence of a flow of fresh air. To simplify the maintenance of the furnace during combustion, at the bottom of the fuel, a special grille (grate) is mounted, which connects the fuel and blew. Depending on the type of fuel material that you will use for heating a room or house, depends both the size of the fuel, blew, and the structure and the location of the grate.
There are standard relations of the size of fuel and furnaces, but there are some tips that will help you navigate in the construction of the furnace. For example, if firewood is selected as solid fuel, then the fuel is recommended to make a larger length. It is better to make a fuel lining from the inside with heat -resistant bricks, this will extend the life of your furnace and improve the heat transfer process when burning fuel.
2 blew – intended to improve and increase the efficiency of the air circulation process during fuel combustion, as well as cleaning the place to lay a new portion of fuel (the built -in door blunt allows you to implement these two tasks with ease).
3 chimney – air ducts connecting the fuel and the external environment. To make a Russian furnace, repair must be known all the components and its device.
Due to the artificially created direction of air movement, called the rod, hot air, saturated with suspended particles and fuel combustion products, moves through the channels, giving its heat through brickwork and the surface of the stove into the room where the heating furnace is located. The main requirements for chimneys are the smoothness of the internal walls and a wide cross section, these conditions will help the flow of hot air freely circulate through all channels and go through the pipe, but in the end, the main part of the heat should remain on the lower part of the heating furnace.
4 smoke pipe – usually made with smooth internal walls and is installed as high as possible to give the directed air flow, more power.