Paradox, but plastic windows seem to help get rid of polluted air more and more efficiently than increasing car tax. But, of course, in limited space – within the rooms where we live and breathe.
It’s no secret that cars on cars are about to literally double. And the action extremely unpopular for motorists is naturally connected, of course, with the ecology. The older and, therefore, the “more dirty” car in the composition of exhaust gases, the greater tax will be considered from its owner. Fair? No doubt. Such a manner of officials intend to fight for the purity of air and our health with you. Will they cope?
Not a fact. It’s just that there will not be enough good cars or high-quality fuel for everyone. Already in 2010, foreign cars cannot be imported into Russia that does not correspond to the Euro-3 class, which establishes high strips on the concentration of harmful substances in the fuel used. For domestic cars, they also introduced certification according to this standard.
It seems to be good. However, if you look at the situation from the point of view of reality, it turns out that the Russian cars of the corresponding filters have not yet been installed. Quality gasoline and diesel fuel is not enough. So, they will continue to poison us. After all, according to statistics, a new car rolls from the assembly line every minute. What fuel he will burn? And what will his owner get…
How to try to escape from exhaust gases, more and more than our blowing? Can we somehow affect the quality of the air that we breathe? On the street-it is unlikely, except to wear cotton-gauze bandages or such protective means. But to equip your home with means of practically not allowing street Gary inside, it is quite possible.
The name of one of these means is for everyone – plastic windows. Their manufacturers have recently been very noticeably improved their products. And it is precisely the plastic windows that can help us out, because after all, we spend most of the time at home, so in our power to create a comfortable microclimate for ourselves.
Special gaskets and seals will seal the window structure and obviously will not allow exhaust gases to the house. They can cope with the wind, water and noise, almost with a storm, and then some kind of contaminated air. In the meantime, an allied for air purification – a car tax – will not correct the situation behind a plastic window, you will have to breathe through a special supply system in which a filtration system is installed.