The components of the technogenic heat balance in the city have a pronounced spatio-temporal variability.
Spatial variability is associated with the differences in “warmth of development”. If you look at the maps of Moscow, displaying the magnitude of the heat energy flows of technogenic origin of three time intervals, you can analyze the change in flows in winter, in summer and on average per year. Winter and summer are represented by their central months, January and July, respectively, since it is precisely these months that are characterized by extreme dimensions of the components of the technogenic thermal balance.
The amount of consumption of all types of energy resources depends on the type of development, its density and functional use. The territories occupied by the dense development of mixed purposes – residential and administrative -commercial -maiden, located in the central parts or on the middle periphery of the city and forming its urban planning framework have the greatest warmth. The consumption of heat on the OM and DHW of such buildings in the winter is more than 0.5 kW per 1 m2 of the city territory, despite the fact that the arrival of total solar radiation in the clear sky in January in January is only a little more than 0.2 kW/m2. In the intermagistral territories, the heat of buildings is 2-5 times less, and usually the density of development decreases with an increase in the size of the territory. This is due to the placement of landscaped territories and objects of KBO inside the large quarters of the landscaping in the fixed territory of the occupied sites, as well as a reduction in the coefficient of the simultaneity of the consumption of thermal energy with an increase in the number of consumers.