Some manufacturers say that there is no need to build a structure from aerated concrete blocks than to facing, since this material has a porous structure and for this reason has the ability to “breathe”. At the moment, it is not difficult to purchase this material.
It is possible that during the crisis of the house without cladding and without internal plaster will be a great option. But, in accordance with the opinions of experts, external cladding or sheathing will not harm the structure from cellular concrete, since they will largely increase the protection of walls from adverse external influences and will be able to ennoble the facade part of the house. At the same time, experts advise laying facing brick close to the gas concrete wall. It will be necessary to maintain a technological clearance and use a certain technology, since close contact of different materials will some extent reduce the characteristics of the operation of the structure. Moreover, a very tightly adjacent masonry of brick will lower the “respiratory function” of aerated concrete – such is the opinion of numerous manufacturers who are engaged in the production of this material.
Foam concrete blocks
Foam concrete is a solution of sand, cement, water and foaming agent. It is not very different from facing brick. During mixing, foamed material is formed. It is strong, which allows you to use it in the construction of a two -story house. After complete drying and hardening of the material, porous concrete is formed. These blocks in their technical characteristics are quite similar to porous concrete products. They have a slight weight, excellent thermal insulation properties and quite large sizes. With all this there are some differences. Penoboton has a density range (kilogram per cubic meter) to some extent more than aerated concrete. In other words, these blocks can be both easier and heavier than aerated concrete material. Experts believe that such a fairly significant spread of density is directly associated with the technological features of the manufacture of building materials.
But gas concrete blocks, in most cases are produced in fairly large industries that are equipped with all appropriate equipment.