So, before going to the store for this material, you need to take measurements of the room in which it will be. To do this, take a tape measure and measure the area of the room. If the room has a complex shape, then each wall is measured, that is, the entire perimeter is measured.
Further linoleum is, it is time to view the base for styling. It will be true if the old flooring is removed, the skirting board will be dismantled and the floor will be leveled by the screed, the maximum permissible errors of not more than 2 mm per m².
In order for linoleum to get used to a new place, it must be laid and left for two days to straighten and get used to the temperature and humidity of the room. There are no waves, which means that the material is ready for the following action.
Now it is necessary to mark the linoleum, before the glue is applied to the concrete base. This refers to the incitement of the picture, the removal of extra pieces after linoleum output. The trimming of the material should be carried out by a very sharp knife. It must be remembered that the dense adjustment of the sheets will lead to the appearance of irregularities after the flooring of linoleum. Therefore, it is advisable to leave the gap of an equal 1 cm.
To simplify the work, the canvas of the material rolls into a roll or the edge is bent to the middle. Glue is applied with a gear spatula, well leveled. Lining linoleum is going on as mastic and its gradual rolling. The rolled edge is glued immediately, then the same operation is carried out with the second half.
After the styling is completed, the material is leveled with a roller or a Karelia parquet board from a cork. Pressing is carried out from the middle to the edges, folds and bubbles are removed. The seams between the sheets of the material are sealed with cold welding, which is selected to match the coating. For two days there is a drying, after which you can attach a plinth.