The tale of the wizard of the emerald city is familiar to almost everyone – well, who was not read out the story of the adventures of the girl Ellie in a magical country. And, of course, everyone remembers that she fell into this country thanks to a hurricane. In a fairy tale, such an element is not particularly scary, but in real life a hurricane is a terrible disaster.
Many countries of the world suffer from hurricanes regularly from hurricanes. In the United States alone, more than a thousand tornado is registered every year. This, a very disappointing tendency and moved Japanese architects to create an anti -ruined house. Such a project received the name Tornado House.
In the process of working on the project, the developers proposed an unexpected solution – at the time when the air element “walks around”, the house will hide … underground! According to the project, such a house will be equipped with a whole system of hypersensitive sensors. Their task will include analyzing the slightest weather changes. With an unfavorable forecast, sensors signal the need for urgent immersion under the ground during a hurricane.
The design of the house itself resembles a flower – there is a ground part (like a bud in a flower) and an underground – a bunker. Both parts are connected by a hydraulic mechanism (hydraulic supports), which, if necessary, lowers the house down underground. Hydraulic supports can move not only up and down, but also rotate, while turning the house to the wind so that it does not tear it off the ground during a tornado (if the threat level does not require a descent underground).
But in good weather, these hydraulic supports will turn the upper part of the house so that follow the sun. This will make constant recharging the photoelectric panel. This accumulated energy will come in handy for the lighting system in the shelter. For better strength, part of the walls was made of Kevlar.
This project has already attracted customers from America and Africa.