The material for the construction of country houses is currently increasingly used.
This is explained by the fact that the use of a galinded log significantly accelerates the construction of houses, while the quality of mutual fitting of logs is much higher than during the construction of a conventional log house. In this case, the process of sealing the interventional gaps is simplified, which in this case is carried out by laying between the crowns of a rolled flax fiber instead of a traditional hemp. In addition, a house built of a galinded log gives a much smaller shrinkage compared to a house from a conventional log, which allows you to start the operation of the house almost immediately after the end of the installation.
All these advantages of the galinded logs are explained by the technology of its manufacture. A logic log is obtained from ordinary logs by processing the latter on the gallery machine. As a result, the diameter of the log becomes the same along the entire length of the log. After that, the locks are cut and the mounting groove is milling. After the end of these operations, the logs are treated with antiseptic drugs.
Thus, having a project of a country house, you can order all components of elements at the factory. After that, it remains to collect them on the construction site and the house will be ready.