In this case, heat generation for the cooling period is much less than when cooling the non -emptied system, and make up about 70% of its normal clockwork.
Of these, the heat released during the first hour is 53% “for the second -12% and for the third hour – 3%. In this case, the cooling curve of the system is very cool due to the small water equivalent of the installation.
From the comparison of the cooling data of heating systems in the event of water descent from the system and unprofitable systems, the following conclusions can be drawn.
1. The duration of the cooling of heating devices depends on the value of the relationship; The larger this value, the faster the system is cooing. In the above example, with an increase in this value by 3.6 times) from a = 0.39 for an unprofitable system to = 1.42 for the emptied system) the period of cooling of heating devices decreases by 3.6 times.
2. The water equivalent of the system mainly depends on the capacity of heating devices. The weight of the heating device is much smaller.
3. When turning off the heating system, checking the temperature regime of the premises, excluding heaters of heating devices, gives a significant error only for 2-3 hours. After disconnecting (for this period, the error is 10-20%).
As you know, the rate of cooling of buildings depends on the design of the external fences, the materials used in them, the placement of these materials in the design, the thickness of the fences, the configuration of the building.
Consider the effect of the thickness of the external brick walls on the rate of cooling.
The family of curves characterizing the cooling of buildings, all other things being equal, differ from each other only the thickness of the outer walls of red brick.