You decided to build a house, and established themselves in the intention to erect it from the tree, weighing all the advantages. It seemed that the choice was made. What could be easier? Traditional, proven for centuries, Russian house from timber. But in the first construction organization, where you will contact for the purchase of building materials, you will be met by the question: “And what, in fact, you need a beam?»Science does not stand still, construction technology is being improved, and your choice is complicated. To date, there are already three types of timber houses: and the customer should weigh everything well in order to really spend his money without paying excess, but without saving where the correction of errors will subsequently cost much more. So, the assortment contains three types of building materials:
ordinary beam;
profiled beam;
glued beam.
What are you going to build, for which construction is intended, and what qualities you need first?
Each option has its own characteristics that determine the appearance and technical characteristics. And, of course, as a result – the cost of a construction material.
The usual whole beam, which has long and successfully used to build village and country houses, are calibrated logs, which, after processing at the factory in cross section, have the shape of a square or rectangle. That is, prepared in order to become walls and beams in the house. The standard dimensions of a conventional beam range from 140 to 280 mm, the most popular – up to 200 mm, most projects of buildings from timber are being developed for it. If you save on the thickness of the beam, then the house will need additional thermal insulation. Another thing, if you want to build a gazebo, summer house, garage, then it is advisable to choose a beam of no more than 150 mm, which means that the construction costs will significantly decrease.
The whole profiled beam has polished surfaces and a strictly defined profile with the specified sizes. This will provide an accurate fitting of crowns among themselves, without gaps and cracks. In addition, both the external and internal walls of the house from the profiled timber do not need to be finished, they are beautiful, and remain so for many years.
The most thorough and strong house is from glued beams, it is built on the age, will go to children and grandchildren. Moreover, he will not be spoiled at all. The recently invented glued beam is made according to the following technology: special boards are glued together with glue, gaining 60% larger strength than a whole timber due to this. And not only strength, but also resistance to temperature changes, humidity, mold, fungus, beetles-bones. Of course, today, this is the most optimal option, if funds allow: the price of glued beams is justified above. The choice is yours.