Electric fireplaces are one of the most common in our country. This is due to a number of advantages with which they have. In our article, we will talk in more detail about why it is worth buying an electric fireplace.
Firstly, for the operation of such a fireplace, there is no need to install a chimney that costs a lot of time. In addition, the installation of the chimney destroys the structure of the house, a significant part of the heat comes out through it. You lose all this if you buy an electric fireplace.
Secondly, electrical fireplaces do not emit harmful combustion products into the room, which negatively affect the human respiration organs. So, in the smoke that is formed from the combustion of firewood, there are more than 200 different substances that, when air inhaling, remain on the lungs of a person. That is why wood fireplaces are not recommended to be used in rooms where there are young children, elderly people and those who suffer from respiratory system disease.
Thirdly, the appearance of electric boilers is very diverse. For example, Electrolux electric fireplace has an exquisite and unusual design that allows the use of heating equipment as a decorative element. You also have the opportunity to choose the desired power of the boiler, which is determined depending on the size of the room, the height of the ceilings, the heat -insulating properties of the installed windows, the sunny side, etc. Electric boilers are sold by different capacities, so you can choose the heating equipment of the most optimal capacity.
Fourth, modern electric fireplaces allow you to enjoy the “live” burning of firewood, create in the room a comfortable, romantic and cozy atmosphere. At the same time, you do not have to worry about the fact that a red -hot coal or spark that can cause a fire jumps out from the fireplace of the fireplace. This possibility is excluded, because electric fireplaces work from the electric network.
Fifth, using an electric fireplace, you can significantly save money. The fact is that when using a wood or gas boiler, the premises are often overheated, which leads to fuel consumption. Using an electric fireplace in the house, you can create the most comfortable living conditions, which is important if you have small children.
The disadvantages of electric fireplace include their dependence on the presence of current in the network. In case of disconnecting electricity, such a fireplace cannot be used.