The diffusion saturation of the steel surface with a boron significantly increases its hardness, wear resistance and heat resistance. However, the staining of steel for a long time did not find practical application due to the great fragility of the layers. Only in recent years, boring began to successfully use in the oil industry, for example, to strengthen the internal surfaces of the mud pumps and other details and tools. In recent years, work has appeared to find ways to intensify this long (2-6 hours) process, including work on the use of induction heating. The process of gas boiling in the medium of hydrogen and dibranan with induction heating has been tested. The process was carried out in the installation presented in the rice. 80. Samples with a diameter of 20 mm were suspended inside a glass vessel with double walls (working volume 1000 cm3), cooled by water. The heating of the TVV was carried out using the LG-60 generator (6 kW, 150-200 kHz), the electrical regime of which was erected by the feedback adjustment. The temperature was measured by a thermocouple (hot spi – in the hole of the sample) and an optical pyrometer. The system was blown up before and after the process. The mixture B2N6 + + N2 was supplied to the vessel from below; Its consumption was controlled by a manometer and a rheometer. The exhaust gas passed through traps with water.
The acceleration of the pitching process was found when the heating of the TVH. Below are the results of gas boring at a temperature of 950 ° C when heated in the furnace for 5 minutes and TVHH for 2 minutes (data m. A. Pchelkina and Yu. M. Lachtina): When heated in the stove, the depth of the layer is 120 microns, and when heated by TVH 150 mm. Gas boring began at 550-600 ° C. A flat and continuous layer was formed at 800-850 ° C; At higher temperatures, the fragility of the layer increased. The temperature of 850 ° C is optimal, at which layers from a depth of to 200 μm are formed within 2-6 hours. Brown layers on steel 45 obtained in a gas medium when heating a TVHH have a micro-hardness of 1700-2000 kgf/mm2.
Additional information: During the construction of any building or structure, detailed drawings are mandatory and accurate calculation of the categories of fire safety of buildings is carried out, on the literacy of which there depends the guarantee of money saving for fire measures, including the automatic fire alarm system, fire extinguishing, as well as fire partitions and overlapping.