Care for rolled lawn at the proper level can be ensured without involving specialists. Timely watering, haircut and fertilizer – that’s all that you need.
Is it worth growing yourself?
A few secrets of laying herbal carpet
In a country house, a well -groomed lawn is a decoration of the site, the pride of the owners and the place of a pleasant vacation. For the rolled lawn, perennials of the cereal family are sown, but this is, especially at the initial stage, is difficult and painstaking. It is difficult to evenly sow the seeds, and then protect them from birds, and sowing can only be carried out at a certain time of the year. Further, the technology provides for timely and proper watering, top dressing and haircuts of young plants, with a passing weed removal. And even if you are courageously passing all these stages, you will get a high -quality thick herbal carpet in about three years.
The same result can be obtained in just a few hours, decomposing on the ground a rolled meadow, which can be used almost immediately after laying and for several years. This method, of course, is more expensive, but the costs will pay off a quick result and ease of maintenance:
The carpet can be laid in spring, when the average temperature per day begins to exceed 4 ° C, and until deep fall;
At least the first two years, weeds do not need to weed, and with a timely haircut, they may not appear at all;
Watering is less time -consuming.
In addition, the finished grass carpet is drought – and frost -resistant, is not damaged by hail and is perfectly used in shaded places, while under conditions of the sun is uniform germination of seeds it is not easy.
Technology for growing a roll lawn after sowing
We lay the perfect canvas in the yard
As already mentioned, in order to obtain thick grass with dense turf, it is necessary to carefully take care of it for 2-3 years. If this does not scare you, let’s talk a little about how to grow a roll lawn.
In the first week after planting seeds, the site is watered daily. Moisten the soil must be very carefully so as not to blur the earth and not to wash away the sprouts that have not managed to take root. Further, watering is reduced to once a week or a little more often (in arid periods).
Organic and mineral fertilizers are used for top dressing. Even a small layer of organics can provide plants with normal nutrition for a long time. Compost has not only a balanced composition of nutrients, but also good mulching properties that slow down the evaporation of moisture.
Mineral fertilizers are used according to this scheme:
phosphate top dressing (superphosphate), 20mm2 – from the beginning of the season to mid -summer;
potassium, 10 g/m2 – in the autumn period.
When the shoots grow by 10 cm, they carry out the first haircut 6-8 cm. Next, the grass is shortened weekly. This operation is stress for plants. Therefore, regardless of the height of the shoots, you can download no more than a third of the stem. Otherwise, some plants will not be able to recover, which will lead to their wilting or even death. In order for outstripping grass to be easier to survive mowing, work should be done on well -moistened earth or late in the evening.
With proper cutting, weeds cannot break through the soil layer densely leaned with roots and are completely absent or disappear after 2-3 mowing. In addition, this technique provokes the growth of new shoots and the compaction of turf by growing roots.
How to preserve the beauty of lawns?
Spring work begins after snow becomes. To put the lawn in order after wintering, considerable efforts may be needed. First you need to clean the site with a rake of rotten grass and garbage and spray with antifungal drugs, for example, foundationazole. Next, you need to restore oxygen access to the root system, t. e. carry out aeration procedure using a special video.
The first spring top dressing is carried out immediately after aeration, and the next-when setting an average daily temperature of 12-16 ° C by the method of introducing a complex nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer. When weeds appear in the soil, it is necessary to add herbicides. After such operations, the Luzhayak should come to the normal state.
Summer care consists in timely watering, mowing and fertilizer. It is better to water in the evening, on particularly arid days this procedure can be carried out even daily. You need to cut it every week, shortening the shoots, depending on the purpose of the lawn, up to 3-4 cm.
As for complex fertilizers – they are introduced as necessary depending on the condition of the plants.
In the fall, we begin to prepare for winter. The frequency of watering is smoothly reduced. The height of the grass is maintained in the range of 4-6 cm, and the gaps between the haircuts increase to several weeks. Nitrogen fertilizers are excluded from top dressing, preferring potassium and phosphorus. Before the onset of cold weather, the plot is treated with antifungal drugs, and weed struggle is deposited until spring.
Before the first snow, the grass is mowed for the last time, raked garbage and are laid out on the perimeter of the bait to scare away rodents. At the same time, the watering system is turned off and blown.