The mixture is obtained by mixing cement, bitumen, water, aggregates with the addition of plasticizers. During production, the mixture is thoroughly mixed, during transportation it does not freeze, hardening of a working concrete solution should occur in the time necessary according to the technology. Ready concrete should not be destroyed and have a good resistance to the possible effect of the environment. Since, without concrete, it is impossible to imagine any construction, it is massively purchased by states by building material, which can be seen by viewing state purchases.
The quality of concrete is largely determined by its aggregates and the quality of the cement used in the composition. The porous structure of concrete is acquired with the rapid evaporation of water or due to the extra amount of liquid, poorly mixed with cement. For structures exposed to the constant effect of water and moisture (dams, pierces), special waterproof concrete is prepared, capable of withstanding an increased level of humidity without losing their qualities.
Low concrete brands are used to fill the foundations at a small depth of the bookmark, to perform floors in garages and basements, during the construction of low -rise buildings. High brands of concrete are used in the production of monolithic ceilings, bridges, foundation plates, etc. D. Such concrete can withstand greater humidity, frost -resistant and do not crack with bad weather.