About what latex paint people learned in the middle of the 20th century thanks to technical progress, when finishing materials suddenly expanded their main contingent. These colors have won many hearts, and to this day are well -deserved popularity, both in internal and external decoration. But from the whole variety of colors that today in the construction market it is very difficult to choose something worthwhile, and many do not know what they are, in fact, they are doing.
What is the concept of itself «Latex»? Latex is a juice of kaurokhikonos plants, which are a dispersion of natural polymer rubber in the form of its particles. However, the cost of natural -based paints used to be high and expensive polymers were used for their production. Now this is much easier to do with this and relatively cheap synthetic analogues are used. That is, in fact, latex paint is a liquid water dispersion of an artificial polymer.
In such an environment, water does not dissolve polymer particles, but also does not allow them to connect with each other. After staining the surface, the water evaporates gradually and the particles of the polymer-laid-outer begin to gradually get closer and stick together. When the process of complete drying occurs, a continuous film is formed, which is ado.
The most common in everyday use are the following types of colors – PVC lantant, butadienistyal, acrylosilicon and acrylic.
Each of these colors has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, PVC lantate paints are made on the basis of PVC emulsion. They are inexpensive and almost have no smell, and their adhesion on the applied surface is high. An indisputable advantage can be called that after it it is quite simple and easy to wash your hands and tool.
But there are many disadvantages of such paint. Firstly, she does not have resistance to moisture, as well as mechanical influences. They are used only for the interior decoration of the premises, covering the ceilings of the walls from above, that is, those places to which it is difficult to get. This type of paint is similar to dispersion.