As in any business, in laying tiles there are tricks. Our instructions for laying tiles will help to recognize them.
When drilling tiles, if you need to install some kind of attachment equipment on it, cracks or chips may form. It is very easy to avoid this: you just need to glue two tape tape in the place where drilling will be performed. After the required hole is made, the tape can be removed – while the hole will be very accurately executed.
The laying of tiles to the floor is carried out, starting from those places that will be in the sight. If suddenly something goes wrong and at the end of the tile laying the picture will shift a little, it will already be in an invisible eye. Before laying tiles on the floor, you need to outline a flat line on which the tile will be laid. On the heated floors, the tiles are laid on glue, and before that, a self -leveling mass is applied to the floor surface. The seams on the floor are wiped 2-3 days after laying. To do this, on small surfaces, you can use a special semi -liquid mass, for wider areas it is better to use a mass of high density.
Before starting to lay tiles on the wall, it is advisable to plan and apply markings on the entire surface, according to which the tile will be laid. This will help create the desired pattern, as well as avoid too frequent cutting of the tile, including in places by the window, ventilation grilles, pipes, etc. D. If you plan to place multi -colored tiles on the wall with a certain ornament, first post this pattern on the floor – perhaps in full size, and not on a sketch, it will not look at all so attractive.
The air temperature when laying the tiles should be at least 10 degrees, the same applies to the ambient temperature. Air humidity should not exceed 70%.
Use the level to accurately mark the lines on the wall along which the tile will be laid. The glue for fastening the tiles is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream, after which it is gradually applied to small areas of the wall so that it does not have time to dry. When laying tiles, the glue should cover the glued surface of the tile for at least three quarters – it is not necessary to save here, otherwise this savings can subsequently result in problems and excessive costs. You can apply glue both to the surface and to the tile itself. The thickness of the applied layer of glue can be different – here you need to carefully study the recommendations of the adhesive manufacturer and act in accordance with them.
For convenient operation, a spatula that you use must have a height of teeth, which is twice as recommended by the manufacturer of the thickness of the glue layer. Press the tile to the surface and within a few seconds you can still adjust its position – for example, if a right angle is formed between the seams.
I hope our tile laying instructions came in handy.
Read also our tips for laying tiles on drywall.