Recently, more and more often people of mental work prefer to work at home. A computer is considered an integral part of the workplace. And here it is important to organize the workplace correctly. Otherwise, drops for the eyes when working at a computer you will often have to use. A separate room for the office needs psychologists, artists or musicians. In other way, if the footage of your home or apartment allows you to allocate a separate room for the office, then this is fine. And if the apartment is small, and your work requires concentrated attention, and indeed you love solitude. In this case, there is a way out: re -equip the loggia or balcony.
If you are not going to take out the walls and attach the loggia to the room, then this event is not necessary to coordinate in various state instances.
First, take out all the accumulated things from the loggia or balcony. Further, glazing follows. It is better to use double or triple double -glazed windows.
The side walls can be sewn completely, I use foam blocks for this. Less glazing will help maintain heat. Now you need to warm the ceiling and floor. Penoplex or foam is perfect here.
We lay the wiring, first, laying the insulating layer. After that, we sew everything, preferably moisture resistant drywall. Next, apply plaster. The outer walls should also be insulated if possible. The issue with heating can be solved in different ways.
After carefully carried out the work, the most interesting thing comes: interior decoration.
There are many options here too. Textured paint, lining will look good here. If you like the wallpaper more, then when choosing them give preference to light tones. They will visually increase the space. The lining is also better to choose light tones.
Install lighting devices on the ceiling and on the table, you can on the side wall if the tabletop of the table is small.
It is clear that there will be some furniture in such an office: a table, shelves for books or papers, a chair, and better a chair. It is the right chair that allows you to maintain the right pose during work.
A few more design elements will make your new office more cozy. Standing light curtains on the windows or installing blinds, bed a plain carpet on the floor.