Now low -rise construction is very popular in the suburbs. After the crisis, this direction began to develop, which is happening now. In three years, the number of all -story houses increased six times, among them there were monoformal residential complexes. As a rule, they include not only residential buildings, but also kindergartens, schools, shops, sports facilities. Thus, future owners receive a territory ideally created for life outside the city. For such purposes, it offers land plots Simferopol highway, as well as other popular areas of the Moscow Region.
Low -rise residential complexes are an intermediate option between city apartments and country housing. The advantage is given to the buildings of the economy – and the comfort of the class, t. To. They can afford a lot of residents of the country. Moreover, in some areas, a small cottage can cost almost the same as an apartment in the center of the capital. And if you take into account that the transport problem is usually solved, t. To. Many areas have long been associated with the capital, there are definitely no difficulties.
If we talk about the results, then 1.5 million. sq. meters in the suburbs have already been built. And interest in this segment does not decrease, t. To. Life outside the city becomes fashionable. Almost all politicians, businessmen, stars in the world of show business buy housing in the districts near Moscow.
Taking into account the growing demand, the acquired areas in the suburbs without intermediaries can change in price over time. A number of analysts claim that the cost is to decrease, t. To. Competition will increase. Some experts say that the price of a square meter may, on the contrary, increase. To. So far, interest in this segment is great, and many would like to get housing with an environmentally friendly area near the capital.
If we talk about the advantages of low-rise construction, then these are the following points:- an environmentally friendly environment, safe for children, elderly people;- the possibility of obtaining their plot of land, then to build household buildings, make a garden, garden, etc. p.;- your housing with a minimum number of neighbors;- developed infrastructure with everything necessary;- proximity to transport interchanges in the capital. When choosing a site for low -rise construction, try to take into account all the nuances to avoid difficulties later. Communications, infrastructure and other points are extremely important for buyers.