For many years, scientists wanted to create porous concrete that does not pass moisture. And today the secret of such concrete is open at the nanoural. If just such material is used to build the walls of houses, then a comfortable microclimate in the room is provided.
Currently, scientists are also developing other building materials of the future, among which there is a place and intellectual, capable of informing the world around their condition. Imagine for a minute a column on which a large load distributed over the entire surface is superimposed. As soon as a critical stress occurs in it, it can change its color or make a characteristic sound.
And this is only one of the many alternative building materials. For example, concrete will be able to fight on its own. By the way, such experiments have already been conducted in the state of Michigan. Experts recorded how, due to gravity, a stove from new material was bent. The cracks on it disappeared over time.
Domestic researchers claim that such discoveries can also make. They want to introduce special capsules to the composition of concrete. When cracks appear, hidden substances will serve as a center of crystallization, due to which the voids are tightened.
Another novelty is carbon fabric. It is glued to the surface of the structure, and as soon as it dries, the strength of the structure will increase significantly. This technology is actively used today in the reconstruction of old structures. In the same way, you can strengthen columns, ceilings, beams.
The only negative is that the building materials of the future are very expensive. Only the promise of scientists is comforted that the houses built with their use will stand at least half a century.