Installation in the first phase of launch work worked with one blower of the fan, so that the air supply speed was lower than the design (80 m3/h instead of 180 m3/h). In addition, the firebox did not work on generator gas, but on propane-butan, and at the same time the efficiency of the installation is reduced. This is because when the propane is combined, water forms, the initial moisture content of the air increases (from 001 to 0.02 kg/kg of dry air).
Resin consumption was determined when setting up the sprayer before starting the apparatus. The dew point is calculated by the method of sequential approximations 11.
In the process of trigger experiments, powdered resin was obtained, similar in quality with the laboratory experiments.
All parts of the experimental installation worked according to the settlement regime (it was taken into account that the installation works on the same fan instead of two).
Consequently, the modified resin of the type obtained by the acid of the acid phase of condensation 4.6-4.7 is resistant to heat, is not sensitive to carbon dioxide and does not contain coarse-dispensing precipitation.
The cost of powder resin is not higher than the cost of vacuum resin, and the cost of transportation is reduced by 1.5-2 times.
Experiments on the application of coatings to wood products showed that the progressive method is the application of the paintwork in the electrostatic field of high voltage.
The results obtained allowed to begin the introduction of this method at woodworking enterprises. In order to more complete use of an electrostatic method, it was necessary to work on the improvement of sprinkling devices.
The normal operation of paint -handing devices is ensured by a strictly dosed and uniform supply of paintwork to sprayers.