For many people, the cottage is an excellent means of rest with soul and body. But in order to feel as comfortable as possible in your country house, you still need to put the site in order, put the necessary buildings, and just take up the appearance of your yard.
You can start with the installation of the fence. It can be a two -meter -long fence, or there can be something more decorative. For example, to get a unique fence, you can use the services of specialists engaged in manual forging. Manual work with metal professional will always cause your guests surprise and a sea of positive emotions.
In the summer cottage, it is necessary to have some, so to speak, outbuildings. After all, you cannot place your entire household in the house.
So, if the territory allows, build a garage. Basically, garages are being built from brick. Moreover, for these purposes, both white and red brick are suitable. You can also find garages from blocks. Be sure to dig a hole in the garage under the car. Without a pit, the garage cannot fulfill all its functions. In addition, the garage pit will never be superfluous.
The well will also be useful on the site. You will call specialists from the village council who will give, or they will not give, permission to dig a well. I do not recommend this without permission, because this act is illegal and can entail huge fines. And there you will definitely not be up to construction. A well may be needed if you decide to supply a house with water. But this is far from always.
What good summer cottage can do without a bathhouse? That’s right, no! That is why it is worth deciding to finally for its construction and in the future to enjoy the result of your work. If you are confident in your abilities, then you can try to build a bath yourself and from the improvised material. For example, my friend’s grandfather has been accumulating all sorts of boards for a single year. And in the end, it was the result of many years of “savings” that became the walls of the bath. And not even bad at all, I will tell you. But you can resort to the help of professionals by ordering a log house for a bathhouse. In any case, you need to know exactly what layout you want to see in your bath.
Build a small shed. It can also be made from unnecessary boards. By the way, doors and walls from the old closet, countertops can even come here. In skillful hands, any “trash” can last a very long time.