Cherry is usually planted in their areas, so that after strawberries, enjoy the spacing fruits of this bone tree.
How to plant this tree and take care of it in order to get good yields every year? As a rule, you need to start with the choice of seedlings for landing.
How to choose a seedling
It is best to purchase planting material in nurseries, botanical gardens or other places where you can definitely buy exactly the seedling that is needed.
When buying it, the seller must have a passport for each seedling sold. If the seller does not have such documents, then in this place it is risky to buy planting material, it is better to pass by.
The seedling of this bone tree usually should be not younger than 3 years, the color of the cortex is even throughout the barrel, there should be no damage to it. There must be kidneys on the tree branches. Their absence signals – such a seedling is unlikely to be viable.
The number of roots in the tree should be at least 3, and their length is at least 0.3 m. The roots can be frozen, so slices should be made on them. If the color of the root at the site of the cut is brown, then this indicates the freezing of the root system. Such a seedling should not be purchased for landing on the site.
Selecting a place for landing
First of all, it should be protected from cold winds or drafts, and it should also be sunny. It is better to plant cherries on a small hill.
The soil for the growth of this tree should be nutritious and retain moisture well. Black -eater or sandy soils are best suited for planting this beauty, but heavy clay soils for planting such a tree are simply harmful, because the cherries on such soils simply do not grow and over time simply die.
Soil waters should not approach the soil surface closer than 2 – 2.3 m from the root system of the cherries, otherwise the root system of this tree can rotate.
Cherries are a self -intensified tree, so you should plant several different varieties of this bone tree nearby, which at one time bloom and pollinated.
When and how to plant
It is better to plant purchased trees in the spring so that they have time to take root and grow a little before the start of frosts. But here pits for planting experienced gardeners are prepared in advance – in the middle of autumn. The width of the pit should be about 0.9 m, and the depth – no more than 0.5 m. 20 – 25 kg of any organic matter – compost, humus or manure, which is mixed with soil from the pit and so left, are usually left to the spring thaw – to the prepared pit.
If the root system of seedlings of cherries is dried, then the tree is placed in a container of water for 23 – 25 hours. Then you should hold a tree for several minutes in a solution, which contains 1 part of clay and 2 parts of cow manure on 5 parts of water. Such a solution helps the roots of cherries get used to the ground faster. In which the seedling will be placed when landing.
Before planting, carefully examine the roots, damaged to cut, then the tree is placed in a prepared pit, but shallowly. The root neck of the cherries should protrude over the soil level by 5 cm. The roots are neatly straightened throughout the diameter of the pit, then they are covered with residues of the nutrient mixture and tamped it. From the north of the cherries, a wooden or metal stake is necessarily dug up, to which the seedling is attached so that it could not tear out a strong wind from the ground.
After the seedling is planted, it should be watered (at least 10 liters of water are poured under each tree), and on top the trunk circle is mulched in humus. These trees should be watered for the first time every one and a half weeks, if there are no rains, then once a week.
Rules of care
What crops will give this bone tree depends on proper care. After all, planting cherries is right is half the age, the main thing is to care for it well and on time.
The trunk circle of this bone tree should loosen regularly. This event not only enriches the soil with oxygen and allows you to better penetrate the roots of moisture and nutrients. At the same time, growing weeds are removed from under the tree, the presence of which negatively affects the development of this tree.
During flowering, it is necessary to attract bees to the tree for better pollination of flowers. Typically, plants are planted around these bone trees – honey plants, or a solution of honey is prepared, which spray the cherries. Bees flies to its smell and actively pollinate the trees.
Cherries do not like stagnation of water in the soil, so during the season it is watered no more than three times. And only if there are too few rains per season, then the amount of watering should be increased. But after harvesting moisture harvest, wood is no longer required, so watering at this time sharply reduces.
In the spring, only organic matter is introduced under the cherries – under trees not older than 5 years, about 1 bucket of rotted manure, but under more adult cherries, the norm is increased 2.5 times. In the fall, complex mineral fertilizers, which include phosphorus and potassium, should be scattered along the trunk circle. Once every 6 years they must be brought into the soil of slagged lime.
Every spring is necessarily trimming this bone tree. The formation of the crown of the cherries provides for trimming the tree with tiers. When cutting, cut all the shoots that spoil the symmetry of the tree. Those branches inside the crown that contribute to its thickening are also removed.
No more than 4 shoots are left in the lower tier of the tree. Extra branches are removed. Each next tier is formed in the same way as the previous one, only the number of branches increases (exponentially). If there are 3 shoots in the first tier, then the next leave 9, then 27.
Damaged by frost or diseases and broken branches are subject to trimming.
If planting material is selected correctly, the necessary place for planting this bone tree and seedlings are planted as it should be, then it remains only to provide this plant with good care.
If all of the above measures are carried out properly, then the cherries will grow well and bear fruit.