Stretch ceilings in our time play an important role in the design and decoration of the premises. They appeared relatively recently – in the middle of the last century. This fashion element of decor today firmly occupied one…
The ceilings in ancient Rome in residential buildings were covered with fabric, in medieval Armenia, matter was used, which was saturated with chalk. She was pulled on a special frame. In Western Europe, widespread widespread…
The repairs of the ceiling understands that the repair of the ceiling is not easy and difficult to work, it is important and responsible. The ceiling can be considered one of the main components of the entire room, and it should look worthy. Today you can…
The main stages of repair of ceiling ceilings are required to spend a lot of strength and patience. It is from this site that they begin a full -fledged repair. Before starting this process, it is worth analyzing important factors: the degree of irregularities, condition…
The technology for repairing the ceiling to repair your apartment or house needs to pay special attention to the ceiling zone, since it has a direct impact on the overall interior of the room. Having decided on what appearance should…