A beam is a log that is cut out of a large whole piece of wood. In order to get a beam, you need to cut down a tree and stick out from all sides. The beam can also be cut into various building materials. Most often, the beam is made of coniferous trees. The thickness should be 100mm or more.
Currently, wooden houses are popular. You can build a house from a log, but it is better to build from a bar. Because the wall is much easier to collect the walls of the wall, t. To. they are square, which means they do not need to be verified. You can not even insulate the house from the beam, because the beam is a warm material. When the bars are laid, there is practically no place to blow out between them. It is worth noting that the interior decoration of the house from the beam is easily performed.
In addition, a house built from a beam is reliable and beautiful. The walls can not be finished.
There is still glued beam. It is made from individual boards that are glued together. Glued beam no worse than usual. Even vice versa: a regular beam has high humidity and it must be dried for a long time, and glued is made of already dried boards. This will begin to start building much faster. The quality will not deteriorate.
You can build from glued beams at any time of the year. It does not need to be insulated. The glue beam is quite light at home, so the foundation should be done not like for, for example, for brick houses. This fact saves money. Glued beam is not affected by insects, fungus or rot.
Glued beam – a wonderful building material from which you can collect various structures of any size and shape.