Even with minimal experience and skills, it is easy to build a bathhouse in your country house. You just need to decide on important points: correctly choose the material, design and layout. Any bath is a room where increased fire safety is required, so the courses will not be superfluous – the technical minimum is fire – which will give useful information.
The bathhouse was traditionally made of wood, but today an effective aerated concrete unit appeared, and, as the Fire Minimum is affirmed, it is much safer. For a wooden bath, take a beam with a cross section of 150 by 150 mm, from which external walls are collected. The walls do not need any additional insulation, but the corners must be assembled very tightly so that the wind does not blow and moisture does not penetrate. Aerated concrete block is light and convenient material, but its surface is porous and absorbs moisture, so protection will be required. The external walls are covered with a primer, then plastered and sheathed with siding. The internal walls are also covered with a primer, and then covered with wood or tiles. Of course, the bath should be warm, but you also need to breathe something, so in any steam room for fresh air arranges supply and exhaust ventilation. It is useful to place in the bath a special thermometer and a hygrometer that measures humidity in the room. In the washing room, shower and sink are installed as equipment.
So that heat does not go outside, small door and window openings are made in the bathhouse. For security reasons, the doors should always open out. Usually the door is made of boardwalk, which has some kind of insulation inside, for example, felt. Do not forget that the handles should be wooden, since you can burn your hands with hot metal. On both sides, the path is glued with foil or vapor barrier. Ultra -traid glass doors appeared on sale, which are ideal for the Finnish sauna, but in the Russian bath they will fog. For a small bath designed for a family, they choose a metal stove, which is lined with stones outside.