Polymer roof is the general name of a group of roofing and waterproofing materials made of polymers or using polymers. An example of such roofing materials is: various mastics for the device of seamless roofs, roller materials, soft tiles, polymer waterproofing membranes, sheet and piece products from polymers.
The choice of roofing mastics, at present, is quite wide. As a rule, they are one -component and two -component. After applying mastic to the base, the polymerization process begins, lasting from several hours to several days. As a result, a coating resembles rubber and similar to it in properties is formed. Polymer mastics are applied with a spatula if the coverage area is small, or, using special equipment, by spraying.
Rolled materials are the basis of fiberglass (fiberglass, fiberglass, etc.), with a polymer resin with compositions applied to it in several layers. Rolled materials are divided into lower layer (lining carpet) and upper. The upper layer additionally has a coating, the so -called sprinkle, from sand, small pebbles, scales of mica, etc. It protects the plastic polymer layer from the effects of aggressive factors and small mechanical damage.
Similar in its properties with rolled materials and, popular now, soft tiles. Its upper layer (sprinkling) has several colors, which creates a characteristic roof pattern.
The roof of rolled materials is carried out either using the burner, heating the lower surface of the roll and rolling it on the base, or polymer mastics are used, applying them to the base, and then roll out a roll. In the first case, gluing occurs as a result of softening, under the influence of temperature, the lower layer of the roll and, as a result, an increase in adhesion. In the second case, the applied mastic, in the process of polymerization, is firmly fastened with roofing material.
Soft tiles already have a layer of mastic placed on the lower surface of the sheet, protected by a film. For gluing, it is necessary to remove the film and press the tiles to the base. Stuck sheets are additionally attached with roofing nails.
As an example of leaf and piece polymer roofing materials, one can cite: polycarbonate, polymer slate, tiles widely used in the installation of roofs and canopies. Their fastening is carried out, as a rule, by mechanically, on the crate, mesh, frame, etc.