In order to correctly put it, you need to have a little patience, a certain dexterity and a share of professionalism. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find a room with absolutely even walls, ceilings and straight angles. How to plaster correctly? Here are some tips and recommendations on this issue.
Before proceeding with the plaster of a concrete or brick base, it must be prepared by appropriate and properly. For high -quality adhesion of the solution, the surface, it is necessary to give some roughness. For this purpose, in smooth sections of the wall it is necessary to make peculiar notches. The depth of the notch should be approximately 10 millimeters. Further, the masonry seams located between bricks are recommended to expand if possible. The processed surface should be cleaned of unnecessary dust and all kinds of dirt, and also must be washed with water. For cleaning, you can use a wire brush.
After performing preparatory actions, you can proceed directly to the plastering work. To do this, before applying the first layer of plaster, the surface must be moistened. Using a sprayer, such an action is more convenient to perform. This process is necessary in order to prevent the rapid return of the required moisture with the solution. Fast moisture return can significantly worsen the strength of the applied coating. Most often, three layers of plaster are used.
The very first layer is spray. It should have a small thickness, up to about 5 mm. The solution is prepared for it more hard with the addition of the concentration of the astringent component. It is pounced on the processed surface with a continuous layer. The solution must be made more liquid based on such a calculation so that it penetrates better into unevenness and thoroughly adheres to them. After the spraying layer is hardened, you should immediately start applying the next layer.
The next layer of plaster is soil. The solution for it needs to be prepared thicker in the form of a test -shaped consistency. The thickness of this layer depends entirely on the thickness of the plaster itself. No more than 10 mm of the solution should be laid in one layer, as well as thoroughly level it to obtain the most even surface. Further, the third layer is applied on top of the ground, it is the last.
Covering is the final, third layer of plaster. Its purpose is to obtain a smooth surface. To prepare such a solution, sand is sifted on the smallest sieve with a cell size of 2 mm. In order to get the same smooth surface as possible, this solution is leveled with a thin layer and is wiped most carefully.
The solution should be wiped only if it began to dry out a little. If you do this ahead of schedule, then a layer of finished plaster will just spread under a grater. But you should not delay this procedure, since the solution will begin to grasp and a lot of effort will go to the grout.
The excellent quality of the plastered surface will depend on so many factors. Such factors also include plaster skills. After all, the positive outcome of the work depends on him. How to plaster correctly? All of the above and there is an answer to this question.