With selective and integrated repair of buildings, the rise of a variety of goods to a height of up to 16 w and their supply is 0 ™ open openings are made by mast lifts 1-37, 1-41 and S-598. For loading and unloading and for lifting materials to the floors of the repaired building, light arrow cranes are used, Pioneer, and T-33. A complex mechanization should be used at the construction site, in which the production process, divided into separate stages, is performed using a system of machines operating uninterruptedly and consistently. As the main national economic task, a further increase in labor productivity and the use of all reserves available in the national economy for this purpose. Increasing labor productivity makes it possible to reduce time and reduce the cost of repairing buildings. According to the five-year plan for the development of the national economy for 1966-1970. The increase in labor productivity in construction is provided by 35-40%. Labor productivity will increase due to the widespread implementation of prefabricated structures, effective materials and the reduction of utility work by 10-12.5%, increase the level of mechanization and use of the available mechanization tools by 12-13%, improve the organization of production and labor by 13-14.5%. This is especially important for repair and construction organizations that have large reserves for increasing labor productivity. The growth of labor productivity largely depends on the formulation of technical regulation, therefore it is necessary to systematically check the effectiveness of existing norms, open and eliminate the reasons for their non -fulfillment, take measures to revise underestimated and outdated norms and consolidate in time the advanced achievements in the organization of labor.