Then, to protect a person from the influence of the external environment, sealed windows were created. They miraculously noise devices for the apartment, and allow you to maintain warmth much more. But you can notice that after a certain period of time increases the level of humidity in the room. Experts found that an air flow does not enter the room with such windows.
As experts say, the more high -quality windows – the higher their tightness. In the cold season, a room with an open window is cooled rather than ventilated. Air flow that penetrates through different gaps is not enough, so a small air exchange is created in the space.
There are pretty many different circumstances, due to which humidity in the room may increase. Such moments should be considered the process of cooking in the kitchen, the operation of the washing machine and by itself. As the outcome of such factors, windows fog up, the ceiling in the bathroom turns black, wallpaper molds. A person who is often present in such a room for a long time can begin to get sick with allergies, all kinds of colds at the same time immunity becomes very weak. Basically, the good and excellent health of a person directly depends on the clean air, which passes through good ventilation.
Furniture items, various household appliances and other things can create the smell and harmful matters into the indoor space. And a simple air conditioning unfortunately this problem cannot completely prevent. It was created only to ensure a certain temperature in space, while when it is a lot to cool and warm up the air flow, it is not made cleaner from this. To create useful and pleasant air, you need to correctly arrange a ventilation system.
Then, in order for the ventilation system to work correctly, the hood should be installed with an air flow. In the case when the air flow does not properly spread, then through the exhaust system the freshest flow does not enter the indoor space. So the non -working hood does not remove the old air. It turns out that in order to create the correct balance of air ventilation, the hood is necessarily obliged to act accurately simultaneously with the air flow.