We clean the cut of the window opening from the residues of the dilapidated plaster using a punch, or a chisel and a hammer. Cut off the excess mounting foam. We remove all the dust from the plane, after which it will not harm the addition of it with the soil of thorough impregnation.
The slopes as a result of personally not far from the external air, as a result of this, in order to avoid freezing in the winter, they had to be insulated. We make this glue on the plate of polystyrene foam (“foam”) 2-3 centimeters wide. In order not to expect a glue to dry, in addition we fix the foam with a dowel “fungus”.
Now, the line of plaster. In the form of a plaster composition for slopes, it is much better to use ready -made mixtures based on cement or gypsum binders. Cement is best as a result of their hydrolying, wanting, and in general, the difference is not fatal.
Slopes have a good length, with conditionally not very large width. Also, their plane is located to the plane of the window not at straight, but at a blunt angle. This all makes their device labor -intensive with a rather worthy level, therefore, to facilitate the work, we will install the beacons. For lighthouses, 2 iron perforated angles, or angle and lighthouse profile are used. When applying the plaster composition, the spatula will slide along the lighthouses like the sleepers, providing an even plane.