It is difficult to trace the history of the appearance of concrete. For centuries, people have used connecting solutions during the construction of structures. The ancient Greeks used a burned limestone for the construction of their hydraulic structures. The Romans used volcanic ashes in solutions, mixing it with lime. The nineteenth century was a period of a new understanding of the usual things. This is the period of many discoveries and inventions. In almost simultaneously in people in different countries, innovative ideas began to appear. This age gave people many inventions and technologies. Russia was one of the centers of new solutions.
So in the nineteenth century, steam machines, planes, lathes and weaving machines, wristwatch, internal combustion engines and diesel engines appeared. And new technologies for processing materials gave these materials extraordinary properties. In England in 1824, as a result of limestone heat treatment, new material appeared, Portland cement. Even earlier in 1822, in Russia, the builder Chelyiev received new material for the knitting of the solution, based on lime and clay. So concrete appeared. Celiev later wrote a treatise, where he described in detail the methods of preparing cement and concrete mixtures.
Heavy and especially heavy concrete
The manufacture of heavy concrete is carried out on concrete units and concrete factories. You can buy them in any major city. For example, here Produkciyam3 includes such mineral breeds as granite, limestone, diabase. These fillers mix with sandy – cement mixture with the addition of water. Heavy concrete are used to build monolithic structures at construction sites. For continuous casting of monoliths of bridges, houses. This is the most common and strongest type of concrete. Heavy concrete has a letter mark M, and depending on use, has a digital index.
The most common brands of heavy concrete M100, M200, M300, M400. Eating slabs produced at concrete plants, foundation blocks and other products are made of heavy concrete. Products are reinforced with steel reinforcement, which is laid in the shape of the future product before pouring concrete. Particularly heavy concrete are less common than heavy concrete. The filler of particularly heavy concrete is scrap, magnetite, barit, lead fraction. The share of such concrete can reach 7000 kg/m3. The scope of their application is nuclear power plants, nuclear installations. Their difference is increased density.