The cycle is the processing process of parquet, carried out to update its appearance. The first cycle is carried out immediately after the floor is installed, and then as the coating is worn out. Today, the parquet cycles is produced using special tools, depending on the volume of work, the corresponding tool is selected. Modern cycles are created with a vacuum cleaner and other accessories. Most often, they are tucked with sandpaper, the operating device polishes the surface of the parquet, so the life of the coating increases. There are many grinding machines that differ in the functions and principle of operation.
During the implementation of a rough cycle, the main thing is not to make large recesses in the floor. This work is done with a large cycle machine. The process of cycles begins using large sandpaper. After one or two passes, chips are collected on the floor surface, if there are defects on the floor, cracks or recesses are closed with a mixture of chips and putty. The number of necessary passages is determined from the wood breed, the harder the more passages, except for this from the degree of damage to the coating. On average, they make from 2 to 5 passes, then go to the cyclist with fine sandpaper.
After thin grinding is carried out after. During this work, it is important to remove the marriages that are preserved after a rough cycle otherwise, after varnishing they will look like dents. The edges of the room should be processed where I could not get a cycling device. In places where it is difficult to work as a machine, they work with corner or manual cycles, for example, near skirting boards. Next, the finished floor is covered with varnish.