Today in the entire building materials market there is a very wide variety of flooring. Among such coatings, it is worth highlighting such the most famous coatings, such as parquet and laminate as the most ordinary linoleum. But as it turns out, the floors can not only lay down, they can be pouring. Seamless types of floor and any other surface, perfectly smooth, which are obtained when filling special polymeric materials, are called today as “bulk floors”.The main binding material of the entire polymer substance is polyester resins, polyurethane, and resin of epoxy. Bulk floors, depending on this substance, and can be acrylic, epoxy, can be polyurethane. Use polyurethane when the concrete mixture has some kind of bumps, when it has very small roughnesses, bulges, and sometimes even recesses. The material is given unusually elastic, and therefore all the shortcomings that we managed to list a little higher can not affect its integrity at all.
Epoxy floors have very high strength, and at the same time they are characterized mainly by the fact that they are highly resistant to the constant effect of moisture. The floors made on the basis of the acrylic base are best used to non -rooms, because they perfectly tolerate all negative temperatures, and they gain their strength from the moment the pouring is completed, for only two hours.
Before starting to lay special bulk floors, surface preparation is carried out in the most thorough way. The humidity of the room in which the floor will be poured should not be more than four percent. So, there are times when the permissible norm is slightly exceeded, and then special impregnations are used – waterproofing, waterproofing dispersion. To slightly increase the clutch area, the concrete surface before direct laying of the floor is milling, polished.
Mixtures can be applied in only two ways. The first method of applying a mixture is a separate way that implies that the basis is always applied to the polymer layer. The second method of applying the mixture is to apply a pre -finished mixture of the polymer and a special base in a single layer. If we talk about the first case, then after the surface dries well, it is worth applying a special layer of transparent resin on top. If we talk about the second case, then the surface grinding is subsequently performed by a special machine.
It is most advisable to use bulk floors in conditions of very strong mechanical influences, increased fire safety. So, this type is most often laid in warehouses, in laboratories and in refrigerators, industrial enterprises, enterprises.