My house is my fortress. The most relevant, today’s expression is true? But it is worth saying that there should be in the house not only protection against completely unrelated guests, but also should reign coziness, especially calm. To create a fortress, the most important condition is that the apartment should be in stock high -quality, very good windows.
In addition to the most important functions such as excellent sound insulation, as a unique opportunity to make micro ventilation the room and its general ventilation, the windows should protect your apartment well and from hacking. So how exactly to choose the right windows, in such and such an incredible diversity? Let us we will deal with you.
Triple Alliance.
Whatever your window, it is at once the three parts – double -glazed window, profile, accessories.
The profile can be wooden, plastic, can be wooden -aluminum and aluminum. All of you know very well that the plastic is much more than other materials are in demand, and this, of course, is most fair. Such material does not burn, he is not at all afraid of frost and water. Such material has a high level of sound insulation, thermal insulation. In addition, if we talk about a plastic profile, the window may have the most different shape.
Inside the profile itself, there are special air layers – special cameras, and therefore the profile can be both two -chamber and semicomeric. It is worth saying that the more cameras, the much warmer in the room.
Wheel -glazed window is a special sealed design consisting of two glasses and sometimes more glasses. Between these glasses, the entire space is filled with ordinary air. Of course, the number of existing glasses in the presence of.
The most main part of the windows that you need to pay special attention to is accessories. It is on it that everything rests, on the whole the entire service life of the windows depends on the quality of the fittings. Furniture is all the details and all the mechanisms, it is fittings that gives simplicity and ease in your handling windows.
As they say today, the windows should breathe, and install a special gap for this, which is ventilated. Such a gap is always inserted into the window frame or in the sash.
There should be special limiters on the windows, because they can protect you when performing improper opening from unforeseen fracture.
Window is the weakest link of your whole fortress. Of course, you can always install lattices on the windows, but you don’t need to do this today, because there are windows that have a special locking element, which can withstand the largest loads.