The fireplace in the house serves more for decorating and creating a special atmosphere of heat, comfort and comfort, but not for heating the house, because its heat transfer is very small compared to a conventional stove, which is why, for the decoration of the fireplace, attention should be paid to the choice of material and the method of facing. A wide spectrum of the tiles of various colors and structure, will allow everyone to choose what he likes the most, but before rushing to make a purchase, make sure that the heat resistance and refractiveness of this tile. The composition of heat -resistant and refractory tiles includes special elements, so that it withstands prolonged heating and is resistant to all temperature conditions, including rapid heating/cooling. Since other materials under such conditions will very soon begin to crumble, crack and fall off. It will be best if your tile or stone is entirely applied on the surface of the fireplace. In the same place where tiles were made, you can buy additional auxiliary elements (cornices, skirting boards, lining of the same material).
Before proceeding with the cladding, wait until the solution has completely dried up on the laying of the fireplace, and only then you can start working. The “adhesive” mixture has not yet been applied, check if you have enough bought tiles, how it will look in place, try to choose a drawing, experiment. Just be careful and do not get confused with the elements if you still decide to make a drawing. The “adhesive” composition should also comply with the requirements and be resistant to temperature changes, it is recommended to use refractory mastic for these purposes. It is applied to the surface of the fireplace at a short distance so that 2 maximum 4 tiles can fit and aligned with a special spatula. After that, we crush one tile to the applied mastic, and along the perimeter we place special crosses that are used to regulate the distance between the tiles, in the future we proceed to laying the next. The lining is usually made from the left to the right, gradually moving from the bottom up. Places covered with cornices, skirting boards for convenience are outlined in advance on the fireplace itself.
Immediately after you completely overlaid the stove – remove the auxiliary crosses and the tiles that come to the surface. This work is best done right away, otherwise, after completely drying the mixture, it will be much more difficult to eliminate the flaws. And only after that you can relax calmly, waiting for the moment to dry the “adhesive” of the mixture. Typically, these terms are indicated on the packaging. Having waited for the moment of hardening of the mastic, you should process the seams and fill them with refractory grout, as a rule, its color is selected in accordance with the decoration.