Anyone who started repairs knows what it feels like to choose the best, most beautiful, convenient finishing materials, and it is desirable that the budget has managed to cope with them.
With a rich selection, we, non -professionals, have many natural issues. Advertising manufacturers pursues one goal: increasing sales.
And we have only one apartment, which I want to arrange beautifully, safely (not in plastic, for example) and so that no one had it. The wallpaper is habitually glued to the walls.
There are many varieties: ordinary paper with a large price scatter, vinyl, under painting, washing … light and dark, with the selection of the picture and without it, in a circle and a cell … But you still can’t surprise anyone anyway.
Liquid wallpaper in the interior: easily applied and looks beautiful
Recently, a new finishing material was reached on the stage, which the people have already been called liquid wallpaper.
They are sold not in rolls, but in packages: manufacturers call it a composition of cotton or cellulose fibers, dyes and glue.
To prepare the wallpaper for gluing, the contents of the package are diluted with water (instructions on the package), take a brush or roller and applied to the wall (with which we removed the old wallpaper in advance).
They say that anyone can cope with this, even if he never holding painting tools, although some still use the services of professional masters.
Those who are delighted with liquid wallpaper, say that the result looks amazing. As if the fabric was glued on the walls. Naturally, not everyone can allow themselves to glue silk on the walls, but liquid wallpaper – cheap and cheerful.
The main advantages of liquid wallpaper in the interior
– In the pluses there are antistatic (these wallpapers do not collect dust!), they breathe, conceal the irregularities of the walls. The wealth of colors, the possibility of laying and even the creation of panels also speak in favor of liquid wallpaper.
– In rooms where the walls can get dirty, for example, in the kitchen, it is better to varnish liquid wallpaper. True, then they will not “breathe”.
But not everyone was so lucky with wallpaper. Wallpaper of the price category “Economy” on the walls look cheap, sometimes yellow spots appear, someone has more consumption of more declared by the manufacturer.
Some, disappointed, remove this coating and decorate the walls with the usual materials. They are unhappy that they either bought a fake or did not comply with the technology – liquid wallpaper require double priming walls.