Saunas, which are a special booth or room equipped with special infrared wave emitters, are currently becoming increasingly popular in the market. In most cases, such steam rooms are finished with wood, when heated, which phytoncides are produced. These beneficial substances
It should be noted that the air does not heat up in the infrared sauna, however, there is a high penetrating effect in it when the human body begins to warm up deeply and evenly from the inside. It is believed that the optimum temperature inside the infrared sauna is from 38 to 48 ° C. One of the main advantages of infrared steamers is that the heart of a person in it does not experience high loads, as in the saunas of other types. At the same time, a person begins intensive sweating, thanks to which toxins are eliminated from the body.
While being in the sauna, a person has skin, muscle fibers, joints, bones, which leads to the acceleration of lymph and blood flows, as well as the activation of metabolic processes. Despite the fact that the infrared sauna was invented relatively recently, a person began to use infrared heatotherapy in ancient times. Infrared waves, which are a natural method of transmission between the objects of thermal energy, are considered absolutely safe for the human body, since each warm object distinguishes them.
Infrared steamers presented today on the market are equipped with high -tech emitters, which produce heat waves that penetrate the human body to a depth that does not exceed 4 cm. One of the main advantages of the infrared sauna is a small amount of time required to prepare the session. To use saunas of this type is allowed to people of any age groups. Nevertheless, people who have some health problems, before using the sauna, are required to consult with the doctor