First you need to prepare a plot for the lawn. To do this, eliminate shrubs, uproot stones, stones and roots. In addition, before the screaming of the lawn you need to get rid of weeds, for this use herbicides. Do not forget that after cultivating the Earth with a herbicide, seeds can be planted only after 3-4 weeks. Then the entire site must be beautifully leveled. Soil fertility is one of the most important conditions of good lawn. To get a beautiful landscape design of the site, the lawn should be perfectly even. To do this, make the thickness of a fertile layer at least 100 mm. If there is not enough soil for this, give it.
Before sowing seeds, thoroughly loosen the ground. Thanks to this, moisture and air will be best done for seeds. Breaking or digging the soil, you need to add peat or manure, as well as trace elements, nitrogen and potassium. At the last stage, work is performed to equalize the upper layer of the site. This can be done with the help of a rake or cultivator with a harrow.
Choosing seeds of grass for the lawn
To get started, decide for yourself why you will use the lawn. It can be used as a sports ground, a decorative object of landscape design or for other purposes. The type of soil will also affect the choice of seeds. For example, it can be a slope by a reservoir, shadow or solar area. It is best to use the grass that will ensure uniform grassy cover in these conditions.
Seeds are planted
One of the cheapest ways to produce a lawn is seed sowing. Moreover, it is the most difficult and takes a lot of time. The period from April to September is the best time for sowing seeds, because it is during this period that the Earth is well warmed up. If sowing seeds is carried out in the spring, then you need to pay special attention to soil humidity. If there is a need, it needs to be watered, otherwise the seeds may dry out and not grow. Water the soil carefully, for this you can use small -string sprayers.
Before sowing, the seeds need to be mixed. In addition, it is worth using fertilizers to ensure a faster growth of seeds. They can be sowed in two ways – using a seeder or manually. Using a seeder, the seeds are divided into two parts. The first part must be sown transversely, and the second – longitudinal. Although experts advise to plant seeds manually.