Vegetation in the house pleases a person with its beauty and creates a cozy atmosphere. There are plants that have healing properties. A variety of decoctions and healing tinctures are prepared from them. Like any drug, they can heal or harm if you use it for not their purpose.
Aloe tree – this perennial plant has oblong, pimpled leaves and a lot of healing properties. Academician c. P. Filatov discovered a very important property, the juice of this plant is biological activity. If the leaves of aloe can withstand for 25 days at a temperature of plus 3 degrees as a result of this, the resulting juice has biological activity. And allows you to produce a lot of healthy recipes.
Throat diseases – three times a day of aloe juice in the volume of a teaspoon are taken thirty minutes before meals with milk. Also, aloe juice helps very well in the treatment of burns and non -healing wounds: the aloe sheet is crushed to the porridge consistency, after removing the upper layer, then, applied to the affected area and rewound with a bandage. The bandage needs to be changed twice a day.
Aloe still has a lot of useful properties, but all recipes prepared individually from the juice of this healing plant must be operated with caution. Only after consulting a doctor. And strictly observing the dosage.