In the process of the final stage of the roof, it is worth paying considerable attention to the processing of ridges, joints of two different slopes and edges of the skates. The thickness of the layer on the cornice should in no case differ from the thickness of the entire surface (30-35 cm).
LLC “Eco Rid International” (Dutch reed roofs), Alexander Arkadievich Rudenko – General Director of the Ukrainian and Russian markets have no special differences, since the mentality, culture and demands of these two peoples practically coincide. Therefore, offers in the markets are “related”.Everyone knows that Hate-Mazanka is not characterized by tiled and not metal, namely reed roofing. Since ancient times, our ancestors-Kresteans have known all the secrets and nuances of installing such roofs. Then this was not considered something rare and elite, but rather the usual roof of a poor villain. Until our times, examples of such roofs have been preserved in some villages.
You can talk endlessly about the advantages of the reed roof, but there is a negative side that concerns the cost of such a roof. Unlike metal tiles, slate and other roofing materials, rectally expensive and sufficiently refined goods, which significantly affects the price of installing such an original roof. If we take into account the cost of real high -quality tiles, for example, the price is practically equalized. Only nothing is equal to the originality and superiority of the appearance of the reed roof.
Holland belongs to those foreign countries where the metal tile is used only for the roofs of industrial premises, and the slate is generally prohibited, because its composition contains a dangerous asbestos -containing material. And for residential premises, builders acquire only environmentally friendly goods, such as natural tiles or reeds.
Reeds, like roofing material, got into the construction market relatively recently. Despite this, he became quite popular and received the status of an elite way of decorating a roof. Every day, the number of orders for the reed coating of the roof increases. The customers are owners of not only private houses, cottages, country cottages, but also owners of baths, restaurants, hotels (who are worried about their customers, as well as about the design of their business).