Recently, redevelopment has become literally a rampant, and most of them, unfortunately, are carried out without coordination with the Moscow Region Inspectorate. There are many reasons for this: the lack of free time, and ignorance of the norms of legislative law, and the reluctance to understand the piles of documentation and another. Of course, if there was no permit for redevelopment, no one can give a guarantee that the repair work made does not violate the normal functioning of the residential structure and will not lead to the creation of an emergency.
The most dangerous is the case when an illiterate and unauthorized interference in the supporting structures of the structure occurs. If even a small earthquake has happened, similar to that that is sometimes observed even in seismically “calm” zones, and the house collapses like a house of cards. The weakening of the functional parts of the house with a considerable degree of wear, as well as the organization of openings in the supporting walls in the same place at several levels of grunts is no less threat.
Thus, in order to prevent even the slightest possibility of creating an emergency, even before thinking through all construction work, you should ask the relevant authorities, whether this or that intervention you planned is possible. A violation of the operation of engineering systems and networks of the structure may end no less troubles, as a result of which the conditions of living in the apartments of the neighbors will deteriorate, and numerous complaints will be resolved on you.
In the event that you do not plan such serious reconstruction of your apartment, nevertheless, the absence of the permission of the Moszhilin Inspection by the procedure for redevelopment deprives you of the opportunity to make this or that legal deal with your apartment. Of course, no one has the right to prohibit its sale, but in the market such housing will be estimated about a quarter cheaper than a similar, but with “clean” documents.
And the last: keep in mind that it will be impossible to coordinate the redevelopment made with violations of construction and sanitary codes and rules. And if such work is nevertheless performed, and then found by employees of the InPP for supervision of the reconstruction, you will be given an order to eliminate all the modifications made and bringing the planning of the apartment to the original type. In turn, this will lead to extra money, which will surely exceed the invested in the initial repair. Is it worth it – to solve only you.