In addition to the main advantages of stretch ceilings, namely, aesthetic appearance and universality of application, there is still an important feature. And this feature is a long-eternity. The service life of the ceiling can reach up to 50 years, and not cause any trouble to its owner, without losing his original properties.
The practically unlimited service life is determined by several factors.
– extraordinary strength of the material. In the case of unforeseen situations, for example, flooded ceiling with water, one square meter of the ceiling surface can withstand a load equivalent to a hundred liters of water, which ensures not only the safety of the ceiling, but also the preservation of all its properties. Well, in more pleasant situations, for example, in time a festive feast, the ceiling withstands a blow of a traffic jam from champagne. There is also no danger of damage to the ceiling if it is mounted in the children’s room. He withstands the hit of the ball, but it is also necessary to monitor the lack of an action on the ceiling with sharp objects. Shots at the ceiling from toy pistols, bows and crossbows are not allowed.
-ceilings are not subjected to deformations and the appearance of cracks due to temperature and humidity drops in the room. For example, standard stretch ceilings do not lose their properties in the temperature range from +0ºС to +60ºС, and some types of seamless ceilings withstand the range from -30 ° C to +80ºС.
-Not every material used in finishing and decorative work can have such a long guarantee from the manufacturer, which is 10-12 years.
– And the most important factor is professional installation and proper care.
And now a few tips on proper care of the ceiling. It is very simple, but also has its own nuances. If you suddenly find pollution on the surface, then they can be quickly washed off with a soft cloth or sponge, moistened in warm water or with the help of a conventional detergent without active additives, but at the same time watch that the fabric and sponge do not leave the fibers on the surface.
It is not recommended to use, detergent for windows. It is strictly forbidden to apply acetone and various solvents to the surface.
To preserve the sustainable gloss of the glossy ceiling, it is necessary to periodically wipe the surface with a dry cloth, or use a 10% solution of ammonia, and then wipe the ceiling dry.
Professional installation and proper care guarantee that your stretch ceiling will decorate your apartment and delight you for many years.