A novelty appeared on the building materials market – “transparent” concrete. This property is determined by a unique composition, namely the addition of fiberglass, which does not affect the strength of the finished product at all. Transparency, in this case the concept of relative. The wall, erected from such material, will not be absolutely transparent as glass, but the silhouettes through it can be discerned quite possible. Thanks to this property, the internally space of the building is better illuminated in the daytime and the effect of lightness of structures is created, and the heavyweight of building volumes actually disappears.
Concrete, as building material, began to actively use in ancient times. Archaeologists confirm the use of concrete with interfluve architects. In the Middle Ages it was almost not used, but returned to it in the 19th century. This material has never been stood out, but one of its undoubted advantages is strength, so it is not surprising its widespread use in construction, despite the grayness and facelessness of ready -made buildings.
Today, the situation with aesthetics can radically change due to a change in the composition of concrete, which includes the latest Lucem material. With him, concrete receives new opportunities. Designs erected using this material perfectly miss the light and enable the viewer to “look” through the wall.
The fiberglass (microscopic size) mentioned earlier, which is part of the concrete, determines the structure and creates impeccable faces of blocks. The material has a fairly high bandwidth (a layer with a thickness of at least 2 m misses light).
Production technology in each case is determined by the purpose of the customer. It is possible to determine the direction of passage of light by polarizing particles.