The R-4 solvent is a specific mixture of organic volatile solvents, which is designed for production purposes and daily use. The solvent is often suitable for liquefaction of paints and varnishes during the first chasing, or already with subsequent use after a long stay in the warehouse. Many people believe that the solvent is an additional cost, but this is not at all so, because it is a drug necessary for the spray gun, a way to choose the right density of paint, give the finished product of brilliance, and also a reliable way to wash the paint from the surface on which it accidentally hit.
The R-4 solvent has a very strong effect on the skin, and also has a characteristic smell, especially if this suspension was made by domestic manufacturers. If it enters the respiratory tract, the solvent can cause minor burns, irritation of the mucous membrane and cough, so when working with it you need to use a respirator. If it enters the skin, rinse the skin with a lot of water in order to avoid irritation.
Keep the R-4 solvent in a dark place remote from direct sunlight and mandatory storage in a sealed, specially prepared and purified container. To dilute the paintwork materials, putty (in particular FL-03K) R-4 is added evenly and the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed. After the desired consistency will be achieved, the process of diluting paint and varnishes can be considered complete.
In appearance, the R-4 solvent is a completely colorless liquid, without significant large particles, which can be considered with the naked eye. Very reminiscent of purified water. Sometimes there can be a little yellowish, depending on the degree of purification and embedded elements. It has quite high volatility (close 15) as well as a very small mass fraction of ordinary water (about 1%).
The preliminary spill of the solution is produced in barrels of 200l, then the process of packing in 20l and 1l, respectively, passes. There are many other forms of containers and it depends only on the enterprise that deals with its packing. Very often you can find it complete with wholesale delivery of paint and putty (for example, FL-03K), where it is recommended for use by the manufacturer for use.
The process of packing can only be performed with special hermetic equipment for working with this type of product, since when interacting with air, the chemical and physical qualities of the product are lost, and this can also be dangerous to health.