Any complex structural elements have fasteners and need to be adjusted. The latter over time become unusable and shake, so the causes of malfunction of plastic windows can be different. Sading the house can also affect the wrong work of such structures. This leads to the fact that the contours of the facade parts and mechanisms have some changes. As a result, window systems are poorly closed, drafts appear, the handle rotates incorrectly. For this purpose, it is necessary to adjust plastic windows. If in such window systems the seal is worn out or there are malfunctions of the frame itself, then here you need to repair, not adjustment. Such problems are solved with a hexagonal key.
Adjusting the sash
Adjusting the sash
Когда крепежный элемент (уплотнитель) сквозит, а закрытие створки проходит неправильно, то надо отрегулировать прижим створки. It is regulated by eccentrics. They are located throughout the frame. At the time of turning the handle, such elements go beyond the cloth zones. So that the double -glazed window is perfectly adjacent to the frame, such a mechanism must turn clockwise. To relieve pressing, everything is done in a different direction. Such mechanisms have risks. If they are outside, then the clamp is weakened, if in the other direction, then it will be tightened. Some of these mechanisms can be turned with a wrench or pliers. The hexagonal key may be suitable for this.
Elimination of skews of metal -plastic windows
Independent adjustment of metal -plastic windows
If the strips on the frame are incorrectly exhibited, then the metal -plastic profile is closed incorrectly. Turning the handle passes all the way. Then the strips are regulated. It will be necessary to open the window open, and send fasteners. The strips move deeper. Then the screws are pulled up and the window closes. In a few visits everything will work out.
One clamp is located in the zone of loops. It is regulated by a hexagon. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the tongue of the window sash. For its nomination, the hexagon turns counterclockwise (left -handed position of the loops). If the fasteners stand on the right, then everything is done the opposite. Clutch changes in seasonality. Tighten in winter, and get into the summer. Indeed, in the summer, it is necessary to leave a gap for natural ventilation and economy of the seal. Wear time will be reduced if it is more strongly pressed. Furniture for double -glazed windows made of metal -plastic profile is associated with adjusting the pressing of the upper loop. It passes where there are folding wings. The window system is left open. So, it is better to achieve a hexagon. It is he who regulates the pressing of the upper sash. If the lock is located on the window system, then to throw the window you need to click on the lock and open the window.
Independent adjustment of metal -plastic windows
This main part of the window systems is regulated in the following case:
When the sash sagged, and its bottom clings the frame. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to raise it. The use of a vertical and horizontal regulator is also suitable. It is necessary to consider all options. Everything is connected with the decay of the sash, so the hexagon is inserted into the hole and rotates. You need to start with the upper loop. Когда регулируются нижние петли, то необходимо удалить колпачки пластикового типа.
Claring the frame with the middle part. Such parts and mechanisms are shifted aside. In this case, the regulators parallel to the double -glazed window are used. The process begins with the lower loops, then go to the upper. Changes are controlled with adjustment.
Other problems and methods of elimination
When when closing the handle turns poorly, the window is incorrectly closed, it is necessary to adjust the castle tongue. In this case, the bolt head must be turned by a hexagonal key. Then the window closes again. This procedure must be repeated if possible.
When the handle is poorly fixed, the inner plate is rotated by 90 degrees. You can see a few screws. They are pulled up. When it is required to replace the handle, the screws are removed by the screwdriver, the handle is removed and the new.
Когда ручка поворачивается некорректно, то смазывается вся фурнитура с помощью машинного масла.
In other words, plastic window systems should be attributed to complex constructive elements that have fasteners. Over time, they may become unusable, therefore, independent adjustment of fasteners is required. The essence of the adjustment will be that the main parts and mechanisms of PVC windows will be pulled up and fixed again. The above methods are the fundamental rules for adjusting plastic window systems in independent mode.