The fine -pounded strip foundation is the most common due to the relative ease of manufacture and lower cost, in comparison with other types of foundations.
The strip foundation is a reinforced concrete base installed around the perimeter of the created object, for example, cottage, bath or fencing. It is quite simple to make a strip foundation, but this process takes a lot of time and is very laborious.
Before starting work, the site must be cleared from various garbage. The trench for the foundation rummages to a depth of 50-70 cm and width 40cm. The bottom is aligned and filled with a layer of sand, which must be tightly tamped. To give additional density, the sand is watered with water. Then the trench is covered with gravel, which serves as a support for the installed reinforcement. The approximate thickness of each layer should be 15-20 cm. After that, using a solution of cement, crushed stone and sand in a ratio of 1: 3: 3, it is necessary to perform a bristle with a thickness of 5-10 cm.
A flooded solution will begin to harden over time. Depending on weather conditions, the final hardening of concrete will take from 5 to 7 days. Когда подбетонка полностью застынет, можно начинать процесс установки арматуры. Reinforcement of the strip foundation allows you to increase concrete strength when the mechanical loads are exposed to it. The reinforcement plays the role of a skeleton, and without it the strip foundation cannot be durable due to the fragility of concrete.
The reinforcement process itself is a styling along and across the rods of the reinforcement. Between themselves, the rods are fastened with special wire or welding. It should also be borne in mind that welding places are most severely exposed to rust. To give anti -corrosion resistance, the rods are treated with special means.
When laying a strip foundation, you can use a waterproofing layer, which provides additional strength and durability. If you independently engage in the installation of the foundation, then the choice with the installation of waterproofing depends only on you. An important reason for its installation can be a high degree of soil humidity. For the waterproofing layer, you can use bitumen mastic, roofing roofing lines, dense plastic film or other similar materials.