A large number of technologies that are used in construction significantly facilitates and reduces the time of difficult physical work related to the preparation or installation of the desired equipment. All sorts of excavation are not rarely related to physical exertion. Some areas where it is impossible to use the mechanisms have to be processed manually.
Today, construction has the opportunity to carry out excavation work without violating the integrated external cover of soil. Than such technologies are useful. Previously, when laying communication systems, on a area where roads often prevented, green spaces, shallow reservoirs of communications caused difficulties. I had to either destroy the foundation of roads and parks or perform such laying bypassing, which has suffered significant financial losses and the cost of time. Using horizontal drilling, it is possible to significantly reduce the time of earthwork, while not destroying the base of the upper layers of the soil on which pedestrian or street roads are laid.
Technology, thanks to its improvement, can perform a deepening to different depth, while during the performance of the work, change the angle of passage of the puncture. Municipal city services, having made the opportunity to fulfill such punctures with relief, breathed out with relief, as this largely changed and facilitated a number of works on laying communication systems. The process of puncture of the soil excludes during the performance of the work of the collapse, due to the technology of laying a special tool. Drilling head, during the drilling process, is sent to the operator who monitors the progress of the work. The drilling of horizontal wells is considered complete when the head of the dredger comes out.