One of the main stages of independent repair of wood windows is very often covered with paintings. Such work, when repairing windows yourself, requires a lot of money and labor. The painting of good quality windows includes the following stages:
• liquidation of the old coating from the surface;
• grinding of the window surface;
• primer before painting;
• Painting the coating.
These components are necessary for successful decoration work on windows. It must be taken into account that any of the stages of decoration of windows is important and affects the life of the coating and quality of the coating. High -quality removal of the old coating is very important. Remove the paint with various tools, from manual cycles and abrasive paper to complex equipment. You can remove the old coating, chemically using special compounds, the thermal method using special hair dryers is most often used in residential premises.
After removing the paint will be removed, various defects may remain on the surface. Cosmetic repairs of apartments detected defects, it is naturally necessary to eliminate. For this, finish grinding is used. A primer is one of the final stages of coloring work. Surfaces after priming holds new paint well. The primer is made only on the purified surface, for this reason it is important to degrease the surface well.
At the last stage of the color of the window, the prepared surface is covered with paint or varnish. It is necessary to follow the uniform coloring of the surface, for this you can use a spray gun or as a roller for painting. New paint should be applied in two or three layers. If the paint you have chosen according to the instructions must grind between the layers, then it is necessary to adhere to this item for better adhesion of layers.